Find Yourself
Once upon a time,
We were all free spirits,
Connected to our ‘fitrah’,
Naturally aware of a Higher Power,
An Original Source,
With utter belief in the world of possibilities that lie ahead in life,
With conviction in our innate goodness,
Our unlimited potential,
Our worth and beauty.
But then, somewhere along the way,
An invasive idea and belief was planted,
Many, in fact.
Toxic, pervasive seeds,
Taking root and growing within us,
Gradually robbing us of what was God-given and innate,
Corrupting and perverting our inner thoughts and ideas,
Poisonously seeping into our identities,
Causing doubt, hesitation, confusion and weakness within ourselves.
Disconnecting us not only from ourselves,
But from our Lord, Most High.
Over time, we lost our original selves,
We lost the innocent, pure spirited person within,
We deafened our being and existence to the loving, hopeful whispers of that powerful, precious little voice,
A voice of sincere faith, belief, wonder and hope,
And so the toxic, ugly voice grew louder,
Growing all the more influential l, strong and hideous with each passing day,
As each new harmful seed was planted by the world and the experiences that befell us.
For some this negative voice booms and dictates their being,
Cruel and bereft of insight, wisdom and truth,
Ever paralysing and sabotaging the person from growing and progressing,
From feeling worthy, safe and loved,
From experiencing deep joy.
For others, they swing between their original voice of goodness and truth and this invasive intruder,
Ever stepping forwards and backwards in a repetitive stumble and stagger to their rising.
Some are blessed to be guided to using scriptural wisdoms to rediscover and reclaim their born identities,
With prayer, study and reflection being the imperative key to their journey of rediscovery.
Whatever your condition,
Return to your yourself,
Don’t forget who you truly are.
Don’t forget your natural fitrah and birthright,
Don’t forget your purpose and the Quranic source of all answers.
Believe me, we are all lost at times and in different ways,
But it is the seeker of personal finding who is ultimately found.
Find yourself.
Rediscover who you are.
Don’t forget the old you.
The original you.
The you who is a free thinking, loving, ever-purifying and faithfully believing soul.
Return to her.
Calisha Bennett
P.S. Please reach out if you need help with your journey